I have been a member of the AMC for at least six years and I am so glad as it is an amazing Association.
We can always get last minute help from the Help Desk, and both the Help Desk and Chat forums are full of insight from the more experienced celebrants.
I sought assistance from Executive Committee Member Keith Lammond from day one and often turn to him for guidance and assurance in any matter. He has always made himself available which I really appreciate. He has helped me in so many ways.
Another celebrant friend of mine in another state has also asked me about leaving her current association to join AMC. I, of course, highly recommended her joining AMC. So to say the least, if others are coming across to join us, then AMC obviously stands out from the rest.
AMC members are one big family that are always there to help and guide each other. A comforting thought and proud to be a member.