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Come one!  Come all!

(We welcome AMC members, potential members and Trainee Celebrants from all areas)

Join us for our End of Year Christmas Meeting

Where:  Crows Nest Hotel: upstairs Cocktail Lounge

When:  Tuesday December 3rd

Time:  Arrive from 6:00pm Meeting at 6:30pm sharp Snacks & Mingling at 7:30pm

Liz and Ross invite you to join in the festive spirit 

at our last meeting of the year.


Kris Kringle – Please bring a wrapped gift value no more than $5
Theme – Add some Christmas jingle, jangle and sparkle to your outfit if you’d like to brighten up our night even more!
Lucky Door Prizes – Yes we’ve found more “fab and fun” prizes that have been hiding in our cupboards just waiting for you 
Follow up from our September Meeting & Message from our President
*What Makes a Perfect Wedding?  We will share anecdotes and tips and please share a disaster story.
They’re always good to hear and make us feel like we aren’t the only ones :)
*Surprise Guest  – Okay, we are still working on this one…
 Please RSVP to Liz and/or Ross (below) for catering.
Liz Taylor  
Ph: 0411 422 681  
Ross Wellings  
Ph: 0403 055 397   
We look forward to seeing you all.  
Let’s end the year with a fun and fabulous evening!
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