Marcus Kroek

Other Services


Master of Ceremonies

Married By Marcus

Do you want the ceremony that you have always dreamed of? Do want a celebration that you will treasure?
You will enjoy a Personalised Custom Ceremony, whether it be a simple ceremony or a larger event with lots of friends. Your ceremony will be created to express your feelings and emotions, and to include those you want as part of your ceremony.

With 20 years experience as a professional speaker and presenter, running events with a few people in simple settings to hundreds in conference centres, you can have the peace of mind that your celebration will be the occasion you desired.

What do you feel like – casual, crazy, funny, formal, your own words, poems, prayers, just yourselves or shared involvment.

I look forward to being your Authorised Marriage Celebrant and creating Your Wedding, Your Way.

Call me on 0412 313 733, for your FREE, no obligation, Ceremony Consultation.

Service Areas


Brisbane City & Metropolitan


Gold Coast


Central Coast

Melbourne City & Metropolitan

New South Wales

Sydney Shire District

Hunter Valley

Mid-North Coast


Port Stephens

Regional West

