AMC Insurance & CAL Copyright Cover

AMC Professional Indemnity & Public Liability Insurance

The following provides details about the insurance coverage included with your Australian Marriage Celebrant (AMC) membership. For comprehensive information, please refer to the attached link for the insurance document.

 Gallagher is the current insurance broker for Australian Marriage Celebrants members. 

Professional Indemnity

Professional indemnity insurance protects your livelihood and your reputation, providing cover for what you do in your profession. If someone takes legal action against you after you have provided a professional treatment or advice, your professional indemnity policy provides a range of covers that includes legal liability to pay compensation for personal injury to third parties or damage to their property, and financial loss arising out of any act, error or omission on your part.

Public Liability

Public liability insurance should be considered for all businesses that interact with the public, even in small ways. No business is without some degree of risk. Protect yourself, your staff and members of the public by having cover for financial loss if a third party seeks compensation from you for a negligent action.

Products Liability

Products liability insurance protects you against liability for damages caused by goods sold or supplied by you.
Public liability cover may be essential if you sell, supply or deliver products to members of the public. This cover protects you against being held liable for damage caused by goods sold or supplied by you, including damage caused by or associated with design defects, manufacturing defects or inadequate labelling, and is essential to protect you and your business.

Limits of Liability on the Group Policy

Limit of Indemnity:

Section One – Public Liability 20,000,000 each and every occurrence. Includes Property in the Care Custody and Control of $100,000
in all.

Limit of Indemnity:

Section Two – Products Liability 20,000,000 each and every occurrence and in the aggregate during the Period of Insurance

Limit of Indemnity:

Section Three – Professional Indemnity 3,000,000 each and every occurrence or act error or omission & $6,000,000 in the aggregate during
the period of Insurance


The insurance policy will indemnify the Insured for any Claim made as a direct consequence of any inadvertent infringement or alleged inadvertent infringement of any copyright, patents or other intellectual property rights arising out of the provision of the Business in Australia.
The cover provided by this extension is not subject to Exclusion 1.23 Intellectual Property.

What’s the difference between ‘Occurrence based’ cover and ‘Claims Made’ cover?

The combined policy is the ‘occurrence’ based type. This means that you are covered for any incidents that occurred while the policy was in force, even if the claim is not made until some years after the event.
Most of the alternative policies available are written on a ‘Claims Made’ basis. This means they will only cover you for claims actually made during the currency of the policy.
Therefore if you cease practicing you may still need cover to allow for claims which might not be lodged until some years later.
‘Run Off’ cover may be available under some of the alternative policies where it will still provide the cover after you have ceased operations, however; this may be an additional premium.

Please select the following link if you would like a copy of the full insurance policy document. AMC Insurance Policy Document


Gallagher Disclaimer:

To the extent that any material in this document may be considered advice, it does not take into account your objectives, needs or financial situation, and is considered general in nature only. You should seek legal or other professional advice before acting or relying on any of the Content. All insurance policies contain exclusions of cover, and no claim is guaranteed. Refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.
You should consider if the insurance is suitable for you and read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), Financial Services Guide (FSG) and policy wording before making a decision to acquire insurance. Please ask us for more details before we provide you with our services. Our FSG is available on our website.


CAL Copyright Licence 

CA’s annual copyright licence provides rights to use millions of books, poems, journals, publications and newspapers while removing the need to ask for permission each time you want to use copyright materials.
The annual copyright licence reduces your risk of copyright infringement by providing appropriate permissions for your activities as a celebrant, and also provides indemnity if either the Australian Marriage Celebrants or an Australian Marriage Celebrants member has a copyright infringement claim taken against them.

Understanding the Benefits of the Australian Marriage Celebrants License for Celebrants

It allows you to legally copy and share information reducing the risk of breaching copyright and possibly having legal action taken against you. It allows you to share information, such as poetry or readings and the like, with the network and store materials for future use while you are a financial member of the Australian Marriage Celebrants. It also removes the need to contact the copyright owners every time you wish to reproduce or copy their works.

Differentiating Between a ‘Hardcopy’ License and a ‘Digital’ License

The Australian Marriage Celebrants licence agreement covers both the hardcopy and digital use of our members’ content. Older agreements may have been for hardcopy use only (i.e. only allowing photocopying or printing) or may have excluded Australian newspapers from being shared digitally.

Understanding the Coverage of CAL Copyright Cover for Australian Marriage Celebrants

For Australian Marriage Celebrants members – For the purposes of conducting a ceremony

  • Photocopying up to 10% or one chapter of any book, journal or magazine
  • Accessing and downloading content from the Australian Marriage Celebrants secure Intranet portal
  • Supply of hard copy materials to third parties (clients etc.)
  • Scanning of materials and electronic storage (i.e. on hard drives)
  • Displaying material in PowerPoint presentations etc.
  • Downloading and storing material from internet (10% or words in a digital work)
  • Scanning, downloading and storing material from the internet.
  • Posting up to 12 Australian Newspaper articles to the Australian Marriage Celebrants Member’s website for up to twelve months (New rights for Australian Marriage Celebrants members)
  • Posting up to 12 Australian Newspaper articles to the Australian Marriage Celebrants member’s social media channels, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram, for up to twelve months (New rights for Australian Marriage Celebrants members)
For the Australian Marriage Celebrants Association
  • Photocopying up to 10% or one chapter of any book, journal or magazine
  • Communicating content to Members via a secure Intranet portal
  • Supply of hard copy materials to third parties (clients etc.)
  • Scanning of materials and electronic storage (i.e. on hard drives)
  • Displaying material in PowerPoint presentations etc.
  • Downloading and storing material from internet (10% or words in a digital work)
  • Scanning, downloading and storing material from the internet.
  • Posting up to 72 Australian Newspaper articles to the Australian Marriage Celebrants website for up to twelve months (New rights for Australian Marriage Celebrants).
  • Posting up to 48 Australian Newspaper articles to the Australian Marriage Celebrants social media channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram, for up to twelve months (New rights for Australian Marriage Celebrants)
  • Using Australian Newspaper content in meeting agendas, annual reports and submissions (New rights for Australian Marriage Celebrants)
  • Emailing Australian Newspaper content to people that aren’t Members or clients. (New rights for Australian Marriage Celebrants)


More details about your CAL Copyright Cover

Hard Copy Use
  • Photocopying (up to 10% or one chapter of any book, journal or magazine) and
  • Handing out hard copies of materials to third parties (guests at weddings, funerals etc)
Digital Use
  • Downloading material from the internet,
  • Scanning content into digital form
  • Emailing content
  • Storing material in digital forms (PDFs on hard drives, word documents on USBs etc)
  • Displaying content on data projector
  • Posting to the Australian Marriage Celebrants Intranet, and
  • Posting content to a website or social media channel
Consequences of Using the Work of a Non-CA Member Author

CA provides an indemnity against copying of non-member works.

This means that should either the Australian Marriage Celebrants or a Australian Marriage Celebrants member, use a work which does not belong to a CA member then CA will indemnify the celebrant or the association for the greater of $25,000 or the cumulative value of the Australian Marriage Celebrants’ total licence fees paid under all licences. The work cannot be one which is on the CA Excluded Works list and must be used as if it was a CA members’ work under the terms of the agreement.

Limitations of Coverage Under the Australian Marriage Celebrants License

Excluded works include any publication from The Australian Hymn Book Company including the Together in Song Series. Refer to Copyright Agency’s Excluded Works list: Licences & Permission

Members must also note that “The Dash” and any other Work by Linda Ellis is also an Excluded Work under this agreement. If members wish to print or otherwise reproduce or distribute “The Dash” they must obtain permission from Southwestern Inspire Kindness, Inc (“Inspire Kindness”). Inspire Kindness may be contacted directly about licensing and permissions at However, we advise that if the Australian Marriage Celebrants or its members wish only to recite the poem, permission needn’t be sought provided appropriate attribution is given. The Dash Poem

Any other material is fine to use provided it is used for your work as a marriage, funeral, naming day or other celebration while you are a financial member of the Australian Marriage Celebrants.

Music and lyrics

Music and the copying of lyrics are not covered by the CA copyright licence.

Observing Courtesies and Obtaining Permission from Authors

The Australian Marriage Celebrants and its Members need to ensure the work is reproduced in full without any editing or changes and is not used in an inappropriate context. The work should also retain its accompanying metadata such as title, author and date of publication etc.

The Australian Marriage Celebrants member licence removes the need to seek direct permission from the copyright owner each time you wish to copy, download or reproduce and hand out their works.

Demonstrating Proper Attribution When Using Copyrighted Material

The statement “Copyright Agency Licensed Copy” should be placed on works to show they have been shared under the Copyright Agency licence.

Inclusions of the License Regarding Sending Poems or Readings to a Couple or Family

An Australian Marriage Celebrants member celebrant may send a copyrighted poem or reading to a client for their viewing for inclusion in a ceremony, but the client may not make any further reproduction of the material, as the client is not covered under the licence.

Ensuring Protection of Members’ Works from Unauthorised Reuse

Copyright is automatic in Australia; there’s no registration process required. For more information, the Australian Copyright Council have a general information sheet which covers how to protect your own copyright: You can search for it here: Copyright Resources

Australian Marriage Celebrants Members can join Copyright Agency. We collect and pay royalties to creators and we advocate for their rights. Membership is free and more information can be found at Copyright Membership

Seeking Assistance with the CAL Copyright License

If you have any questions about the licence Copyright Agency can be contacted through the “corporate licence” Enquiry form on our website. Or send an email