Find a Celebrant

AMC helping you discover your ideal celebrant


If you’re looking for celebrants available Australia-wide, the AMC (Australian Marriage Celebrants), is the association you need to find a registered marriage celebrant in Australia.

The Australian Marriage Celebrants (AMC) website is the official platform where you can search for authorised marriage celebrants across the country.

If you’re looking for celebrants available Australia-wide, the AMC (Australian Marriage Celebrants), is the association you need to find a registered marriage celebrant in Australia.

The Australian Marriage Celebrants (AMC) website is the official platform where you can search for authorised marriage celebrants across the country.

Selecting a marriage celebrant is an important decision as they play a significant role in your wedding ceremony. Here are some tips to help you choose a marriage celebrant using the AMC website:

Define your preferences: Before starting your search, think about what you want in a celebrant. Consider factors such as their personality, communication style, experience, availability, and any specific requirements you may have for your ceremony.

Find a Celebrant: Look for the celebrant by your desired location or name using the search function on this page.

Review the celebrant profiles: The website will display a list of celebrants that match your search criteria. Take your time to read through their profiles, which typically include information about their experience, background, approach to ceremonies, and contact details.

Read reviews and testimonials: If available, check for any reviews or testimonials from previous clients. These can provide insights into the celebrant’s style, professionalism, and ability to create meaningful ceremonies.

Assess compatibility: Consider whether the celebrant’s style, approach, and values align with yours. Look for someone who you feel comfortable with and who understands your vision for the ceremony.

Contact the celebrant: Once you find a celebrant who seems like a good fit, reach out to them directly. You can use the contact information provided on their profile to inquire about their availability, pricing, and to arrange an initial consultation.

Arrange a meeting or consultation: Meeting the celebrant in person or having a video call can help you gauge their personality, professionalism, and whether you have a good rapport. Use this opportunity to ask any questions you may have and discuss your ceremony ideas.

Make your decision: After considering all the factors, take some time to reflect on your options and make an informed decision based on the celebrant’s qualifications, experience, compatibility, and your overall impression.

Remember that choosing a marriage celebrant is a personal decision, and it’s essential to find someone who can create a ceremony that reflects your unique relationship and meets your expectations.

Start looking for your perfect Celebrant

Enter your search criteria, such as the desired State and Area or celebrant’s name, and click on the search button. The website will display a list of registered marriage celebrants that match your search criteria.

You can click on individual profiles to view more details about each celebrant, including their contact information and availability. Keep in mind that celebrants may have their own schedules and availability, so it’s best to reach out to them directly to inquire about their services and confirm their availability for your specific event.

If you’re looking for celebrants in a specific area or have any other requirements, feel free to provide more details, and the AMC can assist you further.

Meet our celebrants

Find your perfect Celebrant. Search for word/phrase, or by State and Region.